

Wednesday, 21 April 2021

Theatre layouts

   The Round

Originally we were going to perform The Musicians in the round to make the audience feel as though they were part of the action. The round means there would be an audience around the entirety of the stage which is a challenge for blocking out a performance because every time you move you have to be conscience that an audience is all around you. We spent about half of our rehearsal time using the round layout until we found a few problems that we didn't have time to fix with such a tight schedule. So we decided to change around the layout to make it slightly easier with the time we had left but it would still be a challenge for us. 


We decided to change the staging to Thrust which would mean we would have an audience at 3 sides. Here is a drawing that Declan did to show how it should look:

This made the worry of having our backs to the audience less of a problem because there is now a part of the stage with no audience whilst still involving them in the action. After having a few run through with this layout we realised we actually preferred it. I am a bit nervous about how this staging will look in the theatre but I'm sure once the chairs have been rearranged it will look perfect. 

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